Belajar didunia maya menyenangkan, tidak menjenuhkan dan pastinya banyak hal yang aku peroleh didalamnya, film, music baru update terus, so jangan males-males..
Rabu, 23 Desember 2009
Review G-Force
Cerita berwal ketika sekumpulan agen yang di pimpin oleh Ben dan Marcie yang beranggotakan Hamster yang bernama Darwin, Juarez, Blaster dan seekor tikus tanah bernama Speckles atau disebut mole. Mereka dibekali pengetahuan yang bahkan melebihi manusia tidak seperti hewan peliharaan biasa. Tugas pertama yang harus mereka lakukan adalah mencari tahu tentang Clusterstorm yang akan menghancurkan kehidupan di bumi seperti yang telah digambarkan, mereka kira itu bissa membuktikan bahwa agen Ben siap melaksanakan tugas itu tanpa bantuan manusia. Tapi ketika Darwin masuk kedalam ruangan yang sebentar lagi akan diumumkan peluncuran produk tersebut, diam – diam di menyelinap masuk dan mendownload program tersebut sebagai bukti bahwa mereka benar-benar akan menghancurakan dan memecah belah dunia melalui peluncuran tapi ternyata mereka tertipu karena yang diluncurkan adalah mesin – mesin yang bisa bergerak dan membunuh manusia untuk menguasai bumi.
Darwin mulai kebingungan kenapa file yang dia dapat berisi gambaran coffeemaker, kemudian agen Jeb menyuruh menghentikan operasional yang dilakukan Ben. Mereka bermaksud menangkap para hamster dan membawanya sebagai bahan bukti tapi berkat bantuan Marcie, mereka berhsail kabur melalui celah seperti pesawat tapi kecil bentuknya sangat pas dengan ukuran tubuh mereka. Tidak pernah menduga kalau mereka masuk kedalam kandang yang dikira pas untuk tempat bersembunyi mereka. Akhirnya sampai juga mereka di pet shop dan bertemu dengan Hurley yang menganggap Darwin sebagai saudaranya. Tapi akhirnya mereka terpisah satu persatu hanya Juarez dan Blaster yang berada satu rumah didalamnya sedangkan Darwin keluar bersama Hurley karena Speckles sudah meninggal didalam truk sampah. Sebelumnya Darwin sudah menyuruh Mooch seekor lalat untuk memberitahu Ben bahwa mereka ada di pet shop tapi Ben terlambat datang, mereka sudah pergi.
Akhirnya Juarez dan Blaster berhasil keluar dari rumah yang selama ini mengurungnya bersamaan dengan itu pula Darwin berusaha untuk membawa bukti bahwa clusterstorm itu benar. Dia mengambil sasuatu yang ada dalm coffeemaker tersebut tapi malah balik menyerang dan menyebabkan mereka harus berusaha melumpuhkanya. Mereka berhasil dan pulang kembali pada Ben dan Marcie, ternyata Juarez dan Blaster sudah berada disana lebih dulu. Kemudian Ben menceritakan pada mereka masa lalu yang selama ingin mereka ketahui. Itu membuat Darwin dan kawan-kawan sadar bahwa mereka adalah hamster special yang tidak semua hamster bisa. Kemudian Darwin menyuruh Ben bergegas dengan memnunjukan coffeemaker tersebut dan melakukan penyelidikan untuk menggagalkan peluncuran tersebut. Tiba-tiba sebagian agen dari pemerintah dan menyuruh Ben untuk menangkap para hamster, tapi mereka gagal dan para guinea pigs berhasil meloloskan diri.
Kemudian pihak peluncuran menyesali karena peluncuran beralik menyerang meraka. Semua alat elektronik berubah jadi hidup dan menguasai mereka, tapi akhirnya Darwin dan kawan – kawan berhasil masuk untuk menggagalkan. Tak pernah menyangkan mereka bertemu dengan Speckles yang ternyata adalah dalang dari semua ini yang merasa tertindas oleh manusia karena keluaraganya dimusnahkan oleh manusia dan berjanji untuk membalasnya. Pihak peluncuran juga tidak pernah menyangka bahwa selama ini musuh mereka adalah seekor Mole yang bernama Yanzhu yang dalam artian bahasa cinanya adalah tikus tanah. Speckles bangkit dengan kekutaan robotnya yang besar dan menyerang pemerintahan dengan mnghancurkan bascamp mereka.
Akhirnya Darwin menyadarkan Speckles bahwa perbuatan yang selama ini adalah salah, iapun sadar dan kembali untuk menghancurkan robot tersebut tapi sudah terlambat kemudian Darwin memasukin file virus tersebut untuk mneghancurkanya, robih dan kemudian jatuh berantakan. Disaat itu pula Hurley jatuh pingsan dan tidak sadarkan diri karena tergencat besi, Juarez pun tidak tahan melihatnya diapun menangis dan Blaster menganggap bahwa Blaster adalah pahlawanya, Speckles pun menyesal dan menyalahkan dirinya akan kematian Hurley, tapi ketika Darwin mengatakan bahwa dia akan menganggap Hurley sebagai saudaranya, iapun sadar dan memeluk kegiranganya pada Darwin. Mereka berhasil dan mendapatkan lencana dari pemerintah sebagai special agents.
The Host The wonderer by Stephanie Meyer
Aku tak pernah menyangka bisa baca buku setebal ini lagi, berawal dari bukunya Christopher Paolini dengan sekuelnya Eragon, Eldest dan kemudian Brisingr yang menggetarkan jantung hatiku ketika membacanya hingga berakhir dan aku menunggu buku keempatnya yang menurutku akan jauh lebih hebat lagi, sayang filmnya kurang begitu mendapat tempat seperti bukunya yang menurut aku keren banget, tapi tetap semangat buat aku untuk menantinya. Nama judul buku yang baru aja aku baca judulnya “The Host” the wanderer alias sang pengembara yang bercerita tentang makhluk planet lain yang datang ke bumi untuk mencari inang baru supaya dapat melanjutkan kehidupanya seperti sebelumnya, ini mungkin kehidupan yang kesekian kalinya wat wanda nama panggilan the wanderer, yang sebelumnya pernah hidup sebagai beruang, lumba-lumba dan bunga mungkin juga sebagai kambing ataupun serigala yang pernah ia jalani, dia berbentuk seperti cacing berwarna perak yang menempel pada tubuh yang ia masuki dan memiliki pemikiran yang sama seperti manusia bahkan lebih hebat lagi.
Cerita berawal ketika the wanderer datang ke bumi dan mencari inang baru. Bukan hanya dia yang mencari inang baru tapi semua makhluk yang sama seperti dia, tapi dalam bentuknya ada berbagai macam jenisnya dan keistimewaanya. Seperti halnya sang Pencari yang bertugas memburu para inang yang berhianat dan bergabung dengan manusia, sang Penyembuh yang bertugas menyembuhkan setiap orang yang terluka dengan kelembutan hatinya karena dia baik dan ramah tentunya. Pertemuanpun terjadi ketika Wanda memasuki tubuh Melanie sebagai inangnya, diluarnya memang tubuh Melanie tapi dia tidak mati hanya berkeliaran di dalam pikiran Wanda yang sebenarnya dia hanya menumpang karena yang menjalankan dan menggerakan tubuh Melanie hanyalah Wanda. Berpikir bahwa mereka bisa bekerja sama dalam mengatasi masalah yang terjadi antara manusia dan para jiwa istilahnya.
Tadinya sempat Melanie beronyak ia tidak mau kalau tubuhnya dikuasai oleh Wanda tapi pada akhirnya Melanie mau menerimanya dan merekapun menjadi sahabat yang saling menyayangi walaupun kadang – kadang beda pendapat, itulah yang namanya sahabat kata Stephanie, aku percaya. Apalagi ketika Wanda dihadapkan dengan lelaki yang bernama Jared, orang yang sangat dicintai oleh Melanie sejak dulu sebelum Wanda masuk ke dalam tubuhnya. Ingatan- ingatan Melanie membangkitkan semua kenangan yang ada tentang Jared bahwa Wanda pun mencintainya hanya karena Melanie yang setiap saat ingin berada didekatnya. Tapi Jared membenci Wanda waktu tahu kalau dia yang mengambil tubuh Melanie bahkan mau membunuh Wanda. Berkat Jamie adik Melanie yang sangat menyayangi Wanda seperti ia menyayangi Melanie akhirnya Jared sadar bahwa Melanie masih berada disana cuma tubuhnya yang dikendalikan oleh Wanda. Kemudian Ian, lelaki yang sangat mencintai Wanda dalam bentuk apapun dan dia mencintainya bukan karena tubuh Melanie, bahkan Melanie membenci Ian ketika dia menyentuh Wanda. Ian pun tahu kalau cintanya pada Wanda membuat Jared cemburu karena tubuhnya adalah tubuh kekasihnya. Ian tak perduli akan hal itu asalkan dia bisa berada tetap disampingnya itu sudah membuatnya bahagia, makanya dia tidak pernah jauh dari Wanda, dia selalu menjaganya kapanpun bahkan Ian selalu menggenggam tanganya dan tidak pernah melepaskanya.
Kekacauan terjadi ketika Kyle mau membunuh Wanda, tapi dia gagal karena dia kewalahan menghadapi Wanda yang membuatnya mau terjatuh kedalam sungai yang panas dalam gua, Wanda pun menyelamatkanya walaupun Melanie yang didalamnya menginginkan kematian Kyle. Kyle disidang ditengah2 oleh para anggota manusia, dan yang memutuskan berhak tidaknya adalah Jeb, dia memberikan pilihan kalau Kyle sampai menyakiti Wanda lagi dia akan ditembak dengan senapanya yang tidak pernah lepas dari tanganya ataupun dengan hukuman membiarkanya pergi dan menolaknya untuk bergambung dengan anggota ini. Keputusan menyebutkan untuk tetap membiarkan Kyle tetap tinggal tapi dengan syarat yang telah ditetapkan oleh Jeb, Kyle pun setuju padahal sebelumnya Ian yang merupakan adiknya sendiri menginginkan kematian Kyle, tapi Wanda melarangnya. Begitu juga Jared yang tadinya tidak menyukai Wanda pun membela bahwa tindakan yang dilakukan Wanda adalah benar tidak seharusnya ia membencinya.
Doc adalah orang yang selalu menyembuhkan orang yang sakit seperti ketika Walter mau mengakhiri hidupnya tapi dia gagal karena dia sudah tidak bisa diselamatkan lagi dan itu membuat Wanda bersedih dan menangisi kepergian Walter, begitu juga dengan Jamie. Penjarahan terjadi pertama kalinya dan itu membuat Wanda khawatir terhadapnya karena ketika mereka pulang Jamie terluka di kakinya karena pisau yang menusuknya, Wanda pun bergegas dan menyuruh Doc untuk mengobatinya. Ketika dia tahu bahwa mereka menutup – menutupi kejadian yang sedang mereka sembunyikan, akhirnya Wanda dengan sengaja mencari tahu dan tanpa ia pikir panjang ia melihat kejadian itu, bahwa ia selama ini ia bersama monster yang tega membunuh anak kecil bersama jiwa-jiwa yang ada didalamnya.
Diapun lari, Ian dan Jared pergi mengejarnya mencoba untuk menjelaskan tapi Wanda tetap tidak mau. Ian dengan sangat lembut memberikan perhatian dan ia tidak pernah meninggalkanya selalu menjaganya selama 3 hari itu tanpa ucapan ataupun pekataan yang kleuar dari mulutnya. Pada akhirnya Jeb datang dan menyuruh Ian pergi kemudian ia menjelaskan bahwa yang mereka lakukan semata – mata hanya untuk melindungi rasnya. Wanda pun sadar dan mulai bangkit dari keterpurukanya, perlahan – lahan dia mau makan makanan yang dibawakan oleh Ian karena Jeb tahu Jamie sedang sekarat dan membutuhkan Wanda disampingnya. Wanda tidak sanggup melihat Jamie tidak sadarkan diri, dia butuh Melanie, tapi Melanie tidak ada dipikiranya kemana dia akhirnya dia pergi dengan menarik tangan Ian supaya dia ikut bersamanya. Dia menyuruh Ian menciumnya untuk membuat Melanie kembali, tapi usaha itu tidak berhasil akhirnya Ian memanggil Jared untuk datang dan kemudian Jared menciumnya dan membuat Melanie kembali, akhirnya pikir Wanda.
Wanda pun memutuskan untuk menjarah untuk mendapatkan obat untuk Jamie, diapun berhasil dan akhirnya Jamie pun sembuh, semua orang menganga bahkan juga Doc yang selama ini tidak bisa berbuat seperti itu.
Hari itupun datang dimana Wanda harus kembali ke planetnya dan membuat Melanie kembali pada keluarganya, tapi tadinya Melanie menolaknya karena ia tahu Wanda lebih dibutuhkan ketimbang dirnya. Wanda pun menjelaskan dan Melanie mulai mengerti karena tidak ada yang bisa menjelaskan dan menghalangi keputusan Wanda. Tapi Ian menolaknya dan ia tidak mau kalau Wanda pergi dari kehidupanya karena dia sangat mencintainya begitu juga Wanda yang sudah menganggap Ian sebagai sauhnya yang membuat Wanda bahagia menjalani hidup di tengah-tengah manusia. Wanda mengajari Doc bagaimana memisahkan antara jiwa dan manusia tanpa harus membunuhnya, Doc menangis karena tidak sanggup melakukan hal itu tapi Doc sudah berjanji kepadanya. Akhirnya Wanda diam – diam pergi ke ruangan dimana Doc menantinya dengan meninggalkan Ian yang tadi mendekapnya. Selamat tinggal Ian orang yang sangat dia cintai lebih dari hidupnya sendiri walaupun ada bayang – bayang Jared dikepalanya, tapi ia tahu kalau dia milik Melanie.
Haripun telah berlalu ketika Wanda sadarkan diri dihadapan mereka dengan tubuh barunya walaupun ia lebih muda dari Melanie, dia pikir telah kembali ke planet dimana dia berasal dan menjadi bunga seperti dulu. Tapi ini bukan aku manusia kembali seperti dulu, Ian berada disebelahnya dan menggenggam Wanda tanpa mau melepaskanya lagi. Jared, Melanie, Jamie, Jeb, Doc dan yang lainya di depanya memandangnya tersenyum gembira, Wanda tersenyum karena dia tahu bahwa dia akan menjalani kehidupan sebagai manusia sekali lagi untuk 10 kehidupanya.
Selesai juga buat synopsis The Host The Wanderer, setelah dulu Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, dan Breaking Dawn, aku akan menunggu lagi buku yang lain dari Stephanie Meyer semoga aku tidak ketinggalan.
my experience in Jakarta
Setelah aku menunjukan alamat yang mau aku tuju, langsung diberikan detail – detail dimana tempat itu berada mulai dari naik angkot yang mana sampai harga yang biasanya ditarik oleh para supirnya. Aku tak pernah menyangka padahal dulu orang – orang bilang, “kamu tu percuma kalau datang kesana ga da orang yang akan memberikanmu jawaban kalau kamu bertanya bahkan kamu akan ditipu habis – habisan”, katanya. Akhirnya pernyataan itu aku buktikan apakah hanya keburuntunganku saja atau memang benar, aku hanya bisa berpikir bahwa di belahan dunia ini pasti masih banyak orang baik yang setiap saat akan menolongku walaupun terkadang susah untuk mencarinya. Itulah yang membuatku terkesan untuk suatu saat nanti pergi kesana bahkan kalau memang memungkinkan kerja disana, aku tak pernah yang merasakan kapok untuk datang kesana. Aku duduk di angkotan dan aku melihat semua orang memandangku “apakah mereka tahu kalau aku orang baru atau orang yang baru pertama kali datang ke Jakarta?” pikirku saat itu. Aku bersikap cuek biarlah orang tahu aku orang baru, lagian mereka bahkan tidak akan perduli dengan adanya alku disitu kecuali kalau aku melakukan tindakan yang memalukan diriku sendiri disana. Tibalah saatnya aku tiiba ditempat yang aku tuju, aku mendatangi supir dan berkata “Hotel Alexis” itulah tujuanku. Pastinya orang – orang berpikir bahwa aku kerja disitu padahal kalau dicermati dan dilihat dengan sungguh – sungguh aku termasuk orang yang tidak sesuai untuk kerja disitu ya berdasarkan pakaian yang aku kenakan. Sangat sangat unformal banget.
Setelah tiba disana aku bertanya kepada seorang wanita yang menjaga parkiran utama samping Hotel Alexis tersebut, orangnya sangat tidak ramah padaku, tidak ada senyum tidak ada gurauan ataupun canda yang Nampak dari wajahnya, hanya wajah murung yang ia perlihatkan padaku dengan omongan yang ketus seperti tidak ada rasa ikhlas ketika menjawab beribu pertanyaan yang aku lontarkan. “kamu prig saja kesana terus lurus nanti ambil kanan” berkatalah dia seperti itu, simple, padat, actual tapi tidak terpercaya, dalam hatiku tertawa kecil sambil ngomong yang ga ga pada mbanya. Aku datang ternyata sudah ada orang disana dan bukan hanya aku yang telat masih ada orang lain lagi yang datang terlambat, untungnya diriku, ya meskipun tadinya aku ngirim sms kepada bapaknya kalau – kalau aku datang terlambat apakah masih dikasih kesempatan untuk interview atau tidak, ternyata masih. “bapak yang baik hati” kataku sambil syum sana sini.
Menunggu dan menunggu yang akhirnya aku lakukan disana ya sama seperti yang lainya, duduk menunggu giliran, sambil nunggu aku dengar ada 2 orang ngomong logat jawa, wah asik ney ternyata jauh – jauh kesana orang jawa juga ketemunya. Ku tertawa renyah bersama mereka sambl ngobrol tentang masa lalu sebelum datang ke Jakarta dan mempertemukan kita disini, da yang dari Solo, Jogja, Surabaya dan aku sendiri dari Semarang walaupun ga asli juga. Aku heran kenapa aku sendiri yang dari fakultas pendidikan, background mereka sastra, duh aku sempat ciut nyaliku membayangkan betapa kecilnya aku disana. Tapi aku tak berkecil hati lagian mereka juga sama – sama kayak aku belum pernah melakukan ataupun mendengar hal seperti ini. Tenang” pikirku. Kesempatan itupun datang inilah giliranku untuk di tes, interview sebentar dan akhirnya the lead of company asked me what I had to do. I dare myself to try translating the movie a new movie that I’d ever watched before, it’s really different. I focused to that movie and step by step begin to translate it, but I’m surrender in the middle of show I can’t. Coz it’s very difficult for me and fast talk that I really didn’t know about it. Finally I gave up and said to him that I can’t, so it meant I didn’t make it. Perhaps, it’s not my chance to work there but I was so happy to have a chance to surround Jakarta by myself and had new experience course.
I went home after taking along to get the bus and I had to turn around the city to reach my sister’s house in Tangerang, so far away from Ancol. At last I came back and took a walk. It’s about 7 pm, the night coming after me. It’s supposed to be late to come home. After spending my time there, I decided to get back to Semarang on Tuesday coz there’s no more I can do there. I took by bus and took by train then.
Senin, 07 Desember 2009
Jumat, 04 Desember 2009
Biography for Taylor Lautner




Date of Birth
11 February 1992, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
Birth Name
Taylor Daniel Lautner
5' 10½" (1.79 m)
Mini Biography
Born on February 11th, 1992 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Taylor Daniel Lautner has shown he was destined for a successful life from a very young age. He began studying karate at the age of six, training at Fabiano's Karate School, and by the following year, he was already winning tournaments. He was soon invited to train with seven-time world karate champion Mike Chat and, when he was eight, he was asked to represent his country in the twelve years and under division in the World Karate Association where he proved himself by becoming the Junior World Forms and Weapons champion, winning three gold medals. He continued to flourish in the martial arts circuit; in 2003, at only eleven years old, he was ranks number one in the world for NASKA's Black Belt Open Forms, Musical Weapons, Traditional Weapons and Traditional Forms and and, by the age of twelve, he had three Junior World Championships under his "black belt".
However, in addition to his love for karate, Taylor was bitten by the acting bug when he was seven years old, after his martial arts instructor persuaded him to audition for a part in a Burger King advert in Los Angeles. Although he was unsuccessful, he enjoyed the experience so much that he told his parents he wanted to pursue a career in acting. Soon, he and his family were traveling back-and-forth from their home in Michigan to California so Taylor could audition for acting roles on a regular basis. When he was ten, with the frequent traveling and air fares starting to drain them out, his family made the hard decision to relocate to Los Angeles where Taylor would have the advantage of being able to audition on a full-time basis. Although it was a wrench to leave behind friends and family, the move gave him the added bonus of being able to compete on a more intense level in football and baseball.
Since moving to Los Angeles, Taylor has booked roles on "My Wife and Kids" (2001), "Summerland" (2004), "The Bernie Mac Show" (2001), and the The Nick & Jessica Variety Hour (2004) (TV). In addition to television, Taylor has been very successful in the voice over work. Taylor has booked a recurring role as Youngblood on the cartoon "Danny Phantom" (2004) as well as he has recording two episodes of "What's New, Scooby-Doo?" (2002) and 'Charlie Brown'. Taylor has also booked a series regular of a pilot presentation called Which Way Is Up? (1977) along with the voice of Silas in an animation series entitled 'Silas and Brittany'.
His big break came in 2005 when, at the age of thirteen, Taylor won the role of Shark Boy in the Robert Rodriguez film The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl 3-D (2005). He spent three months on location in Austin, Texas filming, which he thoroughly enjoyed. Within months, he then successfully auditioned to play Eliot, the son of the Bakers' rival, in Cheaper by the Dozen 2 (2005).
In his spare time, Taylor loves playing football and baseball, both sports which he is very strong in. In football, he running back on offense and middle line backer on defense and, in baseball, he takes part in the Hart Baseball Program where he is positioned at center field and second base. He also participates in the LA Hip Kids, a hip-hop dance group. Taylor also enjoys making home movies with his friends, including 'Sharkboy and Lava Girl' co-star Taylor Dooley, who lives near his Los Angeles home.
Although, he wants to continue acting into adulthood, he wouldn't mind becoming a film scriptwriter and director. Certainly, this is one young boy who is bound to do well in whatever he sets his mind to!
IMDb Mini Biography By: Jake and Fifi
Is a keen martial artist who, from the age of seven, won many karate tournaments on a local, national and international level.
Plays football and baseball. He enjoys watching college football and supports the Michigan Wolverines.
Has a younger sister named Makena.
Has a Maltese named Roxy.
Received his driver license in 2008.
Played football during freshman year in high school.
Had to start training the day after Twilight (2008/I) was finished for his role of Jacob Black in The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009), whose transformation had to be drastic. He gained approximately 30 lbs. for the part, as promised to the director.
Has become close friends with Twilight (2008/I) co-star, Edi Gathegi . They have been exercising in the gym together since they finished filming the movie.
Close friends with Gishel Rafael, Alyson Stoner, Kristen Stewart, and Nikki Reed.
#1 in Access Hollywood's "Top Five Hollywood Abs".
One of People Magazine's 100 Most Beautiful People 2009.
Of French, Dutch, German, and Native American (specifically Ottawa and Potawatomi) ancestry.
Where Are They Now
(March 2008) Filming Twilight
(April 2008) Filming Twilight as Jacob Black
(April 2008) Featured in Cassi Thomson's music video "Caught Up In You"
(March 2009) Filming New Moon
Jump to filmography as: Actor, Soundtrack, Self, Archive Footage
* In Production
* 2000s
1. The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010) (post-production) .... Jacob Black
... aka Eclipse (USA: informal English title)
... aka Twilight 3 (USA: informal title)
2. Valentine's Day (2010) (post-production) .... Tyler Harrinton
3. "Up Close with Carrie Keagan" (1 episode, 2009)
- Episode dated 20 November 2009 (2009) TV episode
4. The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009) .... Jacob Black
... aka New Moon (USA: informal title)
... aka The Twilight Saga: New Moon (USA: promotional title)
... aka Twilight 2 (USA: informal title)
... aka Twilight: New Moon (USA: informal title)
5. "My Own Worst Enemy" .... Jack Spivey (7 episodes, 2008)
- Love in All the Wrong Places (2008) TV episode .... Jack Spivey
- Down Rio Way (2008) TV episode .... Jack Spivey
- High Crimes and Turducken (2008) TV episode .... Jack Spivey
- The Night Train to Moscow (2008) TV episode .... Jack Spivey
- That Is Not My Son (2008) TV episode .... Jack Spivey
(2 more)
6. Twilight (2008/I) .... Jacob Black
7. He's a Bully, Charlie Brown (2006) (TV) (voice) .... Bully
8. "Love, Inc." .... Oliver (1 episode, 2006)
- Arrested Development (2006) TV episode .... Oliver
9. Cheaper by the Dozen 2 (2005) .... Eliot Murtaugh
... aka Moins cher la douzaine 2 (Canada: French title)
10. "Danny Phantom" .... Youngblood / ... (3 episodes, 2005)
- The Fright Before Christmas (2005) TV episode .... Young Blood
- The Fenton Menace (2005) TV episode (voice) .... Youngblood
- Pirate Radio (2005) TV episode (voice) .... Youngblood
11. "Duck Dodgers" .... Reggie Wasserstein / ... (2 episodes, 2005)
... aka Duck Dodgers in the 24½th Century (USA: long title)
- A Lame Duck Mind (2005) TV episode (voice) .... Reggie Wasserstein
- Good Duck Hunting/Consumption Overruled (2005) TV episode .... Terrible Obnoxious Boy
12. The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl 3-D (2005) .... Sharkboy
13. "What's New, Scooby-Doo?" .... Dennis / ... (2 episodes, 2005)
- Camp Comeoniwannascareya (2005) TV episode (voice) .... Dennis
- A Terrifying Round with a Menacing Metallic Clown (2005) TV episode (voice) .... Ned
14. "My Wife and Kids" .... Tyrone (1 episode, 2004)
- Class Reunion (2004) TV episode .... Tyrone
15. "The Bernie Mac Show" .... Aaron (2 episodes, 2003-2004)
- Being Bernie Mac (2004) TV episode
- Bernie Mac Rope-a-Dope (2003) TV episode .... Aaron
16. "Summerland" .... Boy on Beach (1 episode, 2004)
- To Thine Self Be True (2004) TV episode .... Boy on Beach
17. The Nick & Jessica Variety Hour (2004) (TV) .... Mouseketeer
18. Shadow Fury (2001) .... Kismet (Child)
... aka Shadow of the Dragon (International: English title: DVD title)
1. The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl 3-D (2005) ("Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream (Dream, Dream)")
1. "Saturday Night Live" .... Himself - Host / ... (1 episode, 2009)
... aka NBC's Saturday Night (USA: complete title)
... aka SNL (USA: informal title)
... aka SNL 25 (USA: alternative title)
... aka Saturday Night (USA: first season title)
... aka Saturday Night Live '80 (USA: sixth season title)
... aka Saturday Night Live 15 (USA: fifteenth season title)
... aka Saturday Night Live 20 (USA: twentieth season title)
... aka Saturday Night Live 25 (USA: twentiefifth season title)
- Taylor Lautner/Bon Jovi (2009) TV episode .... Himself - Host/Various
2. "Entertainment Tonight" .... Himself (14 episodes, 2009)
... aka E.T. (USA: informal title)
... aka ET Weekend (Australia: weekend title)
... aka Entertainment This Week (weekend title)
... aka This Week in Entertainment (USA: weekend title)
- Episode dated 26 November 2009 (2009) TV episode .... Himself
- Episode dated 17 November 2009 (2009) TV episode .... Himself
- Episode dated 16 November 2009 (2009) TV episode .... Himself
- Episode dated 9 November 2009 (2009) TV episode .... Himself
- Episode dated 6 November 2009 (2009) TV episode .... Himself
(9 more)
3. "The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien" .... Himself (1 episode, 2009)
- Episode #1.109 (2009) TV episode .... Himself
4. "Cinema tres" .... Himself (1 episode, 2009)
... aka Informatiu cinema (Spain: Catalan title)
- Episode dated 21 November 2009 (2009) TV episode .... Himself
5. "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" .... Himself (1 episode, 2009)
... aka Jimmy Kimmel (Australia)
- Episode dated 20 November 2009 (2009) TV episode .... Himself
6. "Live from Studio Five" .... Himself (1 episode, 2009)
- Episode #1.49 (2009) TV episode .... Himself
7. "The Jay Leno Show" .... Himself (2 episodes, 2009)
- Episode #1.49 (2009) TV episode .... Himself
- Episode #1.46 (2009) TV episode .... Himself
8. "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" .... Himself (1 episode, 2009)
- Episode #1.153 (2009) TV episode .... Himself
9. "Xposé" .... Himself (1 episode, 2009)
- Episode #4.52 (2009) TV episode .... Himself
10. "Up Close with Carrie Keagan" .... Himself (2 episodes, 2008-2009)
- Episode dated 16 November 2009 (2009) TV episode .... Himself
- Episode dated 19 November 2008 (2008) TV episode .... Himself
11. "Made in Hollywood" .... Himself (1 episode, 2009)
- Episode #5.8 (2009) TV episode .... Himself
12. "Fantástico" .... Himself (1 episode, 2009)
- Episode dated 1 November 2009 (2009) TV episode .... Himself
13. Ulalume: Howling at New Moon (2009) (TV) .... Himself
14. Scream Awards 2009 (2009) (TV) .... Himself
15. MTV Video Music Awards 2009 (2009) (TV) .... Himself - Presenter
16. The Teen Choice Awards 2009 (2009) (TV) .... Himself
17. 2009 MTV Movie Awards (2009) (TV) .... Himself
18. Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards 2009 (2009) (TV) .... Himself
19. "The Tyra Banks Show" .... Himself (1 episode, 2008)
- Episode #4.59 (2008) TV episode .... Himself
20. MTV Video Music Awards 2008 (2008) (TV) .... Himself - Presenter
21. "U-Pick Live" .... Himself (1 episode, 2005)
- MusicWeek: Day 1 (2005) TV episode .... Himself
Archive Footage:
1. "The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien"
- Episode #1.65 (2009) TV episode .... Himself
Minggu, 29 November 2009
lady gaga feat akon
Songwriters: Germanotta, Stefani;
RedOne, Konvict
GaGa, oh-oh, eh
I?ve had a little bit too much, much
All of the people start to rush, start to rush by
How does he twist the dance? Can?t find a drink, oh man
Where are my keys? I lost my phone, phone
What?s going on on the floor?
I love this record baby but I can?t see straight anymore
Keep it cool, what?s the name of this club?
I can?t remember but it?s alright, a-alright
Just dance, gonna be okay, da da doo-doo-mmm
Just dance, spin that record babe, da da doo-doo-mmm
Just dance, gonna be okay, d-d-d-dance
Dance, dance, just, j-j-just dance
Wish I could shut my playboy mouth, oh oh oh-oh
How?d I turn my shirt inside out? Inside outright
Control your poison babe, roses have thorns they say
And we?re all getting hosed tonight, oh oh oh-oh
What?s going on on the floor?
I love this record baby but I can?t see straight anymore
Keep it cool, what?s the name of this club?
I can?t remember but it?s alright, a-alright
Just dance, gonna be okay, da da doo-doo-mmm
Just dance, spin that record babe, da da doo-doo-mmm
Just dance, gonna be okay, d-d-d-dance
Dance, dance, just, j-j-just
When I come through on the dance floor checkin? out that catalog
Can?t believe my eyes, so many women without a flaw
And I ain?t gon? give it up, steady tryin? to pick it up like a car
I?ma hit it, I?ma hit it and flex and do it until tomorr? yeah
Shawty I can see that you got so much energy
The way you?re twirlin? up them hips 'round and 'round
And now there?s no reason at all why you can?t leave here with me
In the meantime stay and let me watch you break it down
And dance, gonna be okay, da da doo-doo-mmm
Just dance, spin that record babe, da da doo-doo-mmm
Just dance, gonna be okay, da da doo-doo-mmm
Just dance, spin that record babe, da da doo-doo-mmm
Just dance, gonna be okay, d-d-d-dance
Dance, dance, just, j-j-just dance
Woo! Let?s go!
Half psychotic, sick, hypnotic
Got my blueprint, it?s symphonic
Half psychotic, sick, hypnotic
Got my blueprint electronic
Half psychotic, sick, hypnotic
Got my blueprint, it?s symphonic
Half psychotic, sick, hypnotic
Got my blueprint electronic
Go! Use your muscle, carve it out, work it, hustle
I got it, just stay close enough to get it
Don?t slow! Drive it, clean it, lights out, bleed it
Spend the lasto
(I got it)
In your pocko
(I got it)
Just dance, gonna be okay, da da doo-doo-mmm
Just dance, spin that record babe, da da doo-doo-mmm
Just dance, gonna be okay, da da doo-doo-mmm
Just dance, spin that record babe, da da doo-doo-mmm
Just dance, gonna be okay, d-d-d-dance
Dance, dance, just, j-j-just dance
"Party In The USA" by Miley Cyrus
I hopped off the plane at L.A.X.
With a dream and my cardigan
Welcome to the land of fame excess,
Am I gonna fit in?
Jumped in the cab,
Here I am for the first time
Look to the right and I see the Hollywood sign
This is all so crazy
Everybody seems so famous
My tummy's turnin' and I'm feelin' kinda home sick
Too much pressure and I'm nervous,
That's when the taxi man turned on the radio
And a Jay Z song was on
And the Jay Z song was on
And the Jay Z song was on
So I put my hands up
They're playing my song,
And the butterflies fly away
I'm noddin' my head like yeah
I'm movin' my hips like yeah
I got my hands up,
They're playin' my song
I know I'm gonna be OK
Yeah, it's a party in the USA
Yeah, it's a party in the USA
Get to the club in my taxi cab
Everybody's lookin at me now
Like "Who's that chick, that's rockin' kicks?
She's gotta be from out of town"
So hard with my girls not around me
Its definitely not a Nashville party
'cause all I see are stilettos
I guess I never got the memo
My tummy's turnin' and I'm feelin' kinda home sick
Too much pressure and I'm nervous
That's when the D.J. dropped my favorite tune
And a Britney song was on
And the Britney song was on
And the Britney song was on
Feel like hoppin' on a flight (on a flight)
Back to my hometown tonight (town tonight)
Something stops me everytime (everytime)
The DJ plays my song and I feel alright
[Chorus x2]
Jumat, 20 November 2009
Selasa, 17 November 2009

In 2009, American geologist Adrian Helmsley travels to India to meet his friend Satnam, who has discovered that neutrinos from a massive solar flare have penetrated the Earth and are causing the temperature of its core to increase rapidly. Adrian returns to Washington D.C. to inform White House Chief of Staff Carl Anheuser and US President Thomas Wilson that this will instigate a chain of events that will bring about the end of the world. At the 36th G8 summit in 2010, other heads of state and heads of government are made aware of the situation. They collaborate to begin a secret project intended to ensure the continuity of human life, strategically choosing 400,000 people for admission on a series of gigantic arks to be constructed in the Himalayas. To help fund the venture, additional individuals are allowed to purchase tickets for one billion euros apiece.
In 2012, Jackson Curtis is a writer in Los Angeles who works part time as a limousine driver for Russian billionaire Yuri Karpov. Jackson's ex-wife Kate and their children Noah and Lily live with her new boyfriend, plastic surgeon and amateur pilot Gordon. Jackson takes Noah and Lily on a camping trip to Yellowstone National Park, where they meet Charlie Frost, a radio show host and conspiracy theorist. Charlie supports a theory that suggests the Mayans predicted the world would come to an end in 2012, and claims he has knowledge of the ark project and possesses a map of the arks' location. The family returns home as cracks begin to develop along the San Andreas Fault in California and earthquakes occur in the San Francisco Bay area. Jackson grows suspicious and rents a private plane to rescue his family. He collects his family and Gordon when the Earth's crust displacement begins and they escape Los Angeles as it collapses into the Pacific Ocean.
As millions begin dying in apocalyptic earthquakes worldwide, the group flies to Yellowstone to retrieve Charlie's map. The group narrowly escapes as the Yellowstone Caldera erupts. Charlie, who stayed behind to make a live broadcast of the eruption, is killed by the blast. Realizing the arks are in China, the group lands in Las Vegas, where they meet Yuri, his twin sons, girlfriend Tamara, and pilot Sasha. They join the group and secure a larger plane, the Antonov An-225, to head across the Pacific. Also bound for the arks aboard Air Force One are Anheuser, Adrian, and First Daughter Laura Wilson. President Wilson remained in Washington D.C. to address the nation one last time. He is soon killed by a tsunami that sends the USS John F. Kennedy crashing into the White House. With the Vice President dead and the Speaker of the House missing, Anheuser appoints himself acting Commander-in-Chief.
Yuri, who has purchased ark tickets for himself and his sons, deserts the Curtis family, Gordon, and Tamara upon arriving in China in a crash-landing that kills Sasha. However, the abandoned group is picked up by Nima, a Buddhist monk. Together, they begin sneaking onto an ark through its hydraulics chamber with the help of Nima's brother Tenzin, a welder for the ark project. In his last moments, Satnam calls Adrian to inform him that a tsunami is engulfing India and heading towards the arks. Learning of this, Anheuser orders the arks be sealed before the boarding process is complete, trapping thousands outside. Adrian manages to convince the other G8 leaders to let the remaining people on board. As the ark's tailgate is lowered, Gordon is killed when he falls in between the gears, followed by Tenzin's large electrical power drill. Yuri sacrifices his life to get his two sons on in time, but the obstruction prevents the gate from closing, rendering the ship unable to start its engines. The tsunami arrives and begins to flood the ark, drowning Tamara and setting the ark helplessly adrift. Jackson and Noah work together to free the drill and its cable from the closing mechanism. The gate closes and the crew regains control of the ark, preventing a fatal collision with Mount Everest.
When the floodwater from the worldwide tsunamis eventually recedes, satellite data shows that Africa rose in relation to sea level, and its Drakensberg mountains are now the highest on the planet. As three arks set sail for the Cape of Good Hope, Jackson reconciles with his family, and Adrian starts a relationship with Laura. The movie ends with a view of the Earth revealing the African continent as the only major landmass left above water.
Sabtu, 14 November 2009
Rabu, 04 November 2009
ryan cabrera lyric
[Verse 1]
I'm on the corner
Catching the late train
I'm going somewhere
I'm leaving nowhere today
I got my reasons
And my beautiful wine
I told my mama
Said "Boy you lost your mind
I say shut up shut up
You're going to ruin you're name
I say clean up clean up
Don't think just play
S-S-Say Say Say
Say what you wanna say
Cuz I'm gone...Yeah I'm gone [2x]
[Verse 2]
I crossed the border
Watching the sun drown
The seats are shaking
But I don't wanna slow down
Now I'm living
In a beautiful town
There ain't no people
But they love my sound
Say wake up wake up
You got things to sign
Say pick up pick up
Your life is on the line
S-S-Say Say Say
Say what you wanna say
Cuz I'm gone...Yeah I'm gone [2x]
Oh you used to be young
Yeah you used to be wise
You used to be cool
What's with that look in your eyes
Say Say Say what you wanna say
What you wanna say Yeah
Tell me how you like me
Look at me like that
Tell me how you like that
Look at me dancing now
Look at me dancing now
Call me everyday just to say the same thing
Even in my sleep
It's your voice repeating (voice repeating)
Tell me how you like me now
S-S-Say Say Say
Say what you wanna say
Cuz I'm gone...Yeah I'm gone [3x]
Oh you used to be young
Yea you used to be wise
You used to be cool
What's with that look in your eyes
Say Say Say...what you wanna say
Say what you wanna say
Say what you wanna say
Jumat, 16 Oktober 2009
Lenka | |
![]() Lenka. Performing on her solo U.S. tour in early 2009 | |
Background information | |
Birth name | Lenka Kripac |
Also known as | Lenka |
Born | New South Wales, Australia, 1978 |
Origin | Sydney, Australia |
Genres | Pop |
Occupations | Singer-songwriter, actress in Australian television serials |
Instruments | Voice, Piano, trumpet |
Years active | 2008-present |
Labels | Sony Music/Epic Records |
Associated acts | Decoder Ring |
Website | |
Lenka (born Lenka Kripac in 1978)[1] is an Australian television actress and singer-songwriter, most famous worldwide for her song "The Show" from her self-titled album Lenka, which has been used in numerous advertisements, most notably for Old Navy.
Previously best known as an actress in Australia and as a host of a long-running children's breakfast cartoon program Cheez TV in Australia, she has appeared in numerous Australian television serials and feature films.[2]
She is now living in Los Angeles.
Contents[hide] |
[edit] Acting
Lenka starred in the Australian ABC-TV drama series GP as Vesna Kapek in the 1990s. She also hosted Cheez TV and has guest starred in other Australian TV series such as Home & Away, Wild Side, Head Start, and Spellbinder. She also starred in Australian feature films The Dish and Lost Things, and numerous theatre productions.
[edit] Music
[edit] Decoder Ring
As Lenka Kripac, she was a member of the Australian electronic-rock crossover band Decoder Ring for two of their albums. She then moved to California in 2007.[3]
[edit] Solo career
After adopting her first name as her sole artistic name ("Lenka" is a common Slavic girl's name, and a common diminutive of the Slavic girl's name "Lena"), Lenka released an eponymous album on 24 September 2008, with "The Show," produced by Stuart Brawley, chosen to be the first single release from the set. [4] The album has thus far peaked at number 142 on the American Billboard 200.
Her vocal stylings offer a juxtaposition of catchy pop and layered, complicated world music influences.[citation needed]
[edit] Exposure
"Don't Let Me Fall" was featured in a television commercial for Telus in Canada. "The Show," produced by Stuart Brawley, has been featured as soundtrack for an Old Navy as well as an Ugly Betty commercial, the film Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging, the 2009 Spring Campaign of the Polish TV Station TVN (Poland), and was promoted as an iTunes Free Single of the Week. The songs "Trouble Is a Friend" and "Live Like You're Dying" were featured in Grey's Anatomy and "Trouble is a Friend", "Don't Let Me Fall", "The Show", and "We Will Not Grow Old" were featured in the teen drama 90210. "The Show" was also featured in the promotional ad of Inuyasha the Final act" on Animax.
Lenka has performed on the late-night network television interview shows in America, Late Night with Conan O'Brien, Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson and The Tonight Show singing "The Show" with her full band.
On the week of 3 November 2008, "The Show" debuted at number 71 on the Australian ARIA Singles Chart.
The beginning of 2009 saw Lenka tour extensively throughout America and Canada. On February 2nd 2009 Lenka performed her first sold out show in Toronto, Canada which she played a remix version of "The Show" as her encore.
Summer 2009 saw the release of Lenka's album in Europe and Asia, with coinciding tours and festival appearances.
In Vietnam, "The Show" was a huge hit and became one of the most played songs in public. XONE FM - VOV3 was the first radio entity that put Lenka's "The Show" in the airwaves all over Vietnam
In Poland, due to the huge popularity of "The Show" Lenka's debut album was certificated gold after 10,000 copies sold.[5]
The album has also reached gold in Hong Kong
Indian lifestyle and entertainment television channel Zee Cafe part of Zee network, uses a part of the song "The Show" featuring the lyrics 'Dum Di Dum... just enjoy the show' at the end of every commercial break.
[edit] Discography
[edit] Solo
[edit] Albums
Year | Album | Peak chart positions | Certification | ||
UK[6] | US Heat | PL | |||
2008 | Lenka | 58 | 3 | 4 |
[edit] Singles
“The Show,” produced by Stuart Brawley, was released as the lead single of her self-titled album Lenka. The song became famous and peaked at the UK charts on #22. The song also got the no. 1 spot in Vietnam and Thailand, Hong Kong and Poland and no. 48 in European Hot 100.
The Show: VIE: 1 UK: 22 THA: 1 HK: 48 EU: 48
“Trouble Is a Friend” was released as the second single of her album after the successful debut of “The Show”. In Vietnam, the song debuted at no. 6, and after 3 days, reached to no. 1.
Trouble Is A Friend
Minggu, 27 September 2009
Sherina – Cinta Pertama Dan Terakhir
sebelumnya tak ada yang mampu
mengajakku untuk bertahan
di kala sedih
*courtesy of
sebelumnya ku ikat hatiku
hanya untuk aku seorang
sekarang kau di sini hilang rasanya
semua bimbang tangis kesepian
kau buat aku bertanya
kau buat aku mencari
tentang rasa ini
aku tak mengerti
akankah sama jadinya
bila bukan kamu
lalu senyummu menyadarkanku
kau cinta pertama dan terakhirku
sebelumnya tak mudah bagiku
tertawa sendiri di kehidupan
yang kelam ini
sebelumnya rasanya tak perlu
membagi kisahku saat ada yang mengerti
sekarang kau di sini hilang rasanya
semua bimbang tangis kesepian
repeat reff
bila suatu saat kau harus pergi
jangan paksa aku tuk cari yang lebih baik
karena senyummu menyadarkanku
kaulah cinta pertama dan terakhirku
party in the USA by Miley Cyrus
with the dream, my cardigan
Welcome to the land of fame excess
Am I gonna fit in?
Jumped in the cab
here I am for the first time
looked to my right and I see the Hollywood sign
This is all so crazy
Everybody seems so famous
My tummy is turning and feeling kind of home sick
Too much pressure and I'm nervous
Just when the taxi man turns on the radio
And the Jay-Z song was on
And the Jay-Z song was on
And the Jay-Z song was on
So put my hands up
They're playing my song The butterflies fly away
I'm nodding my head like yeah
I'm moving my hips like yeah
So put my hands up
They’re playing my song
I know I'm gonna be ok
Yeah it's a party in the USA
Yeah it's a party in the USA
Get to the club in my taxi cab
everybody’s looking at me now
Like who’s that chick that rockin’ kicks
She gotta be from outta town
So hard with my girls not around me
it's definitely not a Nashville party
cause all I see are stilettos
Guess I never got the memo
My tummy's turnin' and feelin' kinda homesick
Too much pressure and I'm nervous
that's when the DJ dropped my favourite tune
And the Britney song was on
And the Britney song was on
And the Britney song was on
So I put my hands up
they're playing my song
The butterflies fly away
I'm nodding my head like yeah
I'm moving my hips like yeah
got my hands up
They’re playing my song
Ya know I'm gonna be ok
Yeah it's a party in the USA
Yeah it's a party in the USA
Feel like hoppin' on a flight
Back to my home town tonight
Something stops me every time
The DJ plays my song and I feel alright
So I put my hands up
They're playing my song
The butterflies fly away
I'm nodding my head like yeah
I'm moving my hips like yeah
got my hands up
They’re playing my song
Ya know I'm gonna be OK
Yeah it's a party in the USA
Yeah it's a party in the USA
So I put my hands up
They're playing my song
The butterflies fly away
I'm nodding my head like yeah
I'm moving my hips like yeah
got my hands up
They’re playing my song
Ya know I'm gonna be OK
Yeah it's a party in the USA
Yeah it's a party in the USA
Sabtu, 08 Agustus 2009
Selasa, 04 Agustus 2009
Jumat, 24 Juli 2009
Kamis, 23 Juli 2009
Jumat, 17 Juli 2009
Proud enough for you to call me arrogant
Greedy enough to be labeled a thief
Angry enough for me to go and hurt a man
Cruel enough for me to feel no grief
Never could have just a part of it
I always need more to get by
Getting right down to the heart of it
The root of all evil has been running my whole life
Dirty enough for me to lust
Leaving nothing left to trust
Jealous enough to still feel envious
Lazy enough to sleep all day
And let my life just waste away
Selfish enough to make you wait for me
Driven blindly by our sins
Misled so easily
Entirely ready to leave it behind
I'm begging to break free
Take all of me
The desires that keep burning deep inside
Cast them all away
And help to give me strength to face another day
I am ready
Help me be what I can be
Self-centered fear has got a hold of me
Clutching my throat
Self righteous anger running all through me
Ready to explode
Procrastination paralyzing me
Wanting me dead
These obsessions that keep haunting me
Won't leave my head
Help to do for me what I can't do myself
Take this fear and pain
I can't break out this prison all alone
Help me break these chains
Humility now my only hope
Won't you take all of me
Heal this dying soul
I can feel my body breaking
I can feel my body breaking
I'm ready to let it all go
I can feel my body shaking
Right down to the foundation
The root of it all
Take all of me
The desires that keep burning deep inside
Cast it all away
And help to give me strength to face another day
I am ready
Help me what I can be
I am ready
Come to me
Take me away
2. I Walk Beside You
There's story in your eyes
I can see the hurt behind your smile
For every sign I recognize
Another one escapes me
Let me know what plagues your mind
Let me be the one to know you best
Be the one to hold you up
When you feel like you re sinking
Tell me once again
What's beneath the pain you re feeling
Don't abandon me
Or think you can't be saved
I walk beside you
Wherever you re
Whatever it takes
No matter how far
Through all the may come
And all that may go
I walk beside you
I walk beside you
Summon up your ghost from me
Rest your tired thoughts upon my hands
Step inside this sacred place
When all your dreams seem broken
Resonate inside this temple
Let me be the one who understands
Be the one to carry you
When you can walk no further
Tell me once again
What's below the surface bleeding
If you've lost your way,
I will take you there
I walk beside you
Wherever you re
Whatever it takes
No matter how far
Through all the may come
And all that may go
I walk beside you
I walk beside you
Oh, where everything is wrong
Oh, where hopelessness surrounds you
Oh, the sun will rise again
The tide you swim against
Will carry you back home
So don't give up
Don't give in
I walk beside you
Wherever you re
Whatever it takes
No matter how far
Through all that may come
And all that may go
I walk beside you
I walk beside you
3. Another Won
[Majesty Demos]
It was the mortal passion
The flame that lit the fire
The beauty of the starlight
Brought the cruelty of desire
A lovers link was broken
Another's vengeful plan
Was contrived through jealous hatred
For a cross of God and man
I hope it will turn out so
But I can't help being afraid
Perception is hindered by lust
To be sure of the choice you have made
Grant me this request, please
Just promise me your word
Attest to the mighty river
Let the truth be heard!
She asked to see the power
His realm of life and love
His godly immortality
The thunder roared above
Her words were so quickly spoken
Lest he stop her from the deed
I gave you my word, now my love
Your grim request I shall heed!
Leaving his maiden
He rose to the sky
Returning in splendors
To earth he did fly
Subject to presence
Too brilliant to face
Another had killed passions grace
4. Afterlife
I touched with one
who made me run
away from my own soul
In this world with its
many illusions
We are moving like mice through a
And now I find
what's left behind
has served to make me whole
full of doubt, deception, and delusion
seeking purpose to all earthly days
I search within
beneath a skin
that bears both pleasure and pain
In a world full of constant confusion
I will not be a par to the craze
In the Afterlife
will dark be bright?
will cold be warm?
will the day have no night?
In the Afterlife?
will the blind have sight?
In the Afterlife
Behind closed eyes
some comfort lies
In knowing the truth never spoken
Through this world with us
hidden conclusion
we'll keep moving like mice through
a maze
In the Afterlife
will dark be bright?
will cold be warm?
will the day have no night?
In the Afterlife?
will the blind have sight?
In the Afterlife
5. Under A Glass Moon
Tell me
Remind me
Chase the water racing from
the sky
Always beside me
Taste the memories running
from my eyes
Nervous flashlights scan my
Liquid shadows silence their
I smile at the moon
Chasing water from the sky
I argue with the clouds
Stealing beauty from my eyes
Outside the soundness of your
Bathing your soul in silver tears
Beneath a blackened summer sky
Praying for time to disappear
Beneath a summer sky
Under glass moonlight
Night awaits the lamb's arrival
Liquid shadows crawl
Silver teardrops fall
The bride subsides to her
By your hand
I've awakened
Bear this honor in my name
6. Innocence Faded
breathes a cloudless mind
leaves the doubting blind
Until the circle breaks and wisdom lies ahead
the faithful live Awake
the rest remain misled
Some will transcend spinning years
One as if time disappears
Innocence faded
the mirror falls behind you
Trinity jaded
I break down walls to find you
Callow and vain
fixed like a fossil, shrouding pain
Passionless stage
Distant like brothers
Wearing apathetic displays
Sharing flesh like envy in cages
Not intending to end
Some will transcend spinning years
One as if time disappears
Innocence faded
the mirror falls behind you
Trinity jaded
I break down walls to find you
Beginnings get complicated
the farther we progress
Opinions are calculated
Immune to openness
Beyond the circle's edge
We're driven by her blessings
Forever hesitating
Caught beneath the wheel
Innocence faded
the mirror falls behind you
Cynically jaded
The child will crawl to find you.
7. Raise The Knife
[Song left off of Falling Into Infinity]
Have I thanked you for your time?
Or will your life go unrewarded
Never asking for a dime
You just gave all of yourself
Until I turned my back on you
My friend
The powers that be made you a martyr
Conspiracy led you to slaughter
I tried to control it but as soon as I showed it
I was shot down again
Once again outnumbered
Appreciation slumbered
You can ask yourself why
But that look in your eye
Doesn't pass the test
You've been laid to rest my friend
Tortured artist bears his soul
Seems the pressure took its toll
Lived a life so punishing
Now he keeps the publishing
Spilling your guts out to a pad and pen
Communication to your silent friend
Raising the knife
To a picture of a life
(I once knew)
There comes a time
Compromising my life
(Just won't do)
I cannot lie
I can't try anymore
(To reach you)
I just can't fight
Raise the knife
Raise the knife
Cut through
I remember once you were the quiet type
Content to sit and watch the motions of your life
With false sensitivity
You cut yourself open so people would adore you
They all bought into your contrived sincerity
And how you wore your heart and soul right on your sleeve
Laughing sarcastically
You turned your back on the people who adored you
Self-absorbed exhaustion
Self-esteem distortion
Self-infused extortion
Self-serving abortion
I'll take the blame for these things that I say
'Cause I had the heart and the will and the courage to stay
Every day
I won't walk away
Reading through all the digests you show me
I notice the way that you think you control me
Doubting my future, you don't even know me
But I never walked out on you
Raising the knife
To a picture of a life
(I once knew)
There comes a time
Compromising my life
(Just won't do)
I cannot lie
I can't try anymore
(To reach you)
I just can't fight
Raise the knife
Raise the knife
Cut through
Raising the knife
To a picture of a life
(I once knew)
There comes a time
Compromising my life
(Just won't do)
I cannot lie
I can't try anymore
(To reach you)
I just can't fight
Raise the knife
And live my life
Without you
Raising the knife
To a picture of a life
There comes a time
Compromising my life
I cannot lie
I can't try anymore
I just can't fight
Raise the knife
8. The Spirit Carries On
Where did we come from?
Why are we here?
Where do we go when we die?
What lies beyond
And what lay before?
Is anything certain in life?
They say "Life is too short"
"The here and the now"
And "You're only given one shot"
But could there be more
Have I lived before
Or could this be all that we've got?
If I die tomorrow
I'd be alright
Because I believe
That after we're gone
The spirit carries on
I used to be frightened of dying
I used to think death was the end
But that was before
I'm not scared anymore
I know that my soul will transcend
I may never find all the answers
I may never understand why
I may never prove
What I know to be true
But I know that I still have to try
If I die tomorrow
I'd be alright
Because I believe
That after we're gone
The spirit carries on
"Move on, be brave
Don't weep at my grave
Because I'm no longer here
But please never let
Your memories of me disappear"
Safe in the light that surrounds me
Free of the fear and the pain
My questioning mind
Has help me to find
The meaning in my life again
Victoria's real
I finally feel
At peace with the girl in my dreams
And now that I'm here
It's perfectly clear
I found out what all of this means
If I die tomorrow
I'd be alright
Because I believe
That after we�re gone
The spirit carries on
9. Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence
[I. Overture]
[II. About to crash]
She can't stop pacing
She never felt so alive
Her thoughts are racing
Set on overdrive
It takes a village
This she knows is true
They're expecting her
And she's got work to do
He helplessly stands by
It's meaningless to try
As he rubs his red-rimmed eyes
He says "I've never seen her get this bad"
Even though she seems so high
He knows that she can't fly
And when she falls out of the sky
He'll be standing by
She was raised in a small midwestern town
By a charming and eccentric loving father
She was praised as the perfect teenage girl
And everyone thought highly of her
And she tried everyday
With endless drive
To make the grade
Then one day
She woke up to find
The perfect girl
Had lost her mind
Once barely taking a break
Now she sleeps the days away
She helplessly stands by
It's meaningless to try
All she wants to do is cry
No one ever knew she was so sad
Cause even though she gets so high
And thinks that she can fly
She will fall out of the sky
But in the face of misery
She found hopefulness
Feeling better
She had weathered
This depression
Much to her advantage
She resumed her frantic pace
Boundless power
Midnight hour
She enjoyed the race
[III. War Inside My Head]
Napalm showers
Showed the cowards
We weren't there to mess around
Through heat exhaustion
And mind distortion
A military victory mounted on innocent ground
Hearing voices from miles away
Saying things never said
Seeing shadows in the light of the day
Waging a war inside my head
Years and years of
Bloodshed and warfare
Our mission was only to get in and kill
A free vacation
Of palm trees and shrapnel
Trading innocence for permanent psychotic hell
Hearing voices from miles away
Saying things never said
Seeing shadows in the light of the day
Waging a war inside my head
Feeling strangers staring my way
Reading minds never read
Tasting danger with each word I say
Waging the war inside my head
[IV. The Test That Stumped Them All]
Standing in the darkness
Waiting for the light
The smell of pure adrenaline
Burning in the night
Random blinding flashes
Aiming at the stage
Intro tape begins to roll
Igniting sonic rage
Still they keep me between these hollow walls
Hoping to find in me
The answers to the test that stumped them all
"The boy is just simply crazy
Suffering from delusions
We honestly think that maybe
He might need an institution
He lives in a world of fiction
And really could use some help
We have just the place to fix him
To save him from himself"
Curled up in the darkness
Searching for the light
The smell of sweat and shit
Steaming through the night
Random urine testing
Pills red, pink and blue
Counseling and therapy
Providing not a clue
Still they keep me between these hollow walls
Hoping to find in me
The answers to the test that stumped them all
"We can't seem to find the answers
He seemed such a clear cut case
We cannot just let him leave here
And put all this work to waste
Why don't we try shock treatment
It really might do some help
We have just the tools to fix him
To save him from himself"
[V. Goodnight Kiss]
Goodnight kiss in your nightgown
Lavender in your bed
So innocent as you lie down
Sweet dreams that run through your head
Are you lonely without Mommy's love?
I want you to know I'd die for that moment
You're just a poor girl
Afraid of this cruel world
Taken away from it all
It's been five years to the day and
My tainted blood's still the same
I can't help acting this way and
Those bastard doctors are gonna pay
I'm so lonely without baby's love
I want you to know I'd die for one more moment
I'm just a poor girl
Afraid of this cruel world
Taken away from it all
[VI. Solitary Shell]
He seemed no different from the rest
Just a healthy normal boy
His mama always did her best
And he was daddy's pride and joy
He learned to walk and talk on time
But never cared much to be held
And steadily he would decline
Into his solitary shell
As a boy he was considered somewhat odd
Kept to himself most of the time
He would daydream in and out of his own world
But in every other way he was fine
He's a Monday morning lunatic
Disturbed from time to time
Lost within himself
In his solitary shell
A temporary catatonic
Madman on occasion
When will he break out
Of his solitary shell
He struggled to get through his day
He was helplessly behind
He poured himself onto the page
Writing for hours at a time
As a man he was a danger to himself